Sunday, June 14, 2009

Article Eight: June 14

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Life is all about competition, whether is with one another or with technology. Anything and everything has competition. Well it is obvious in technology when it comes to the Palm and iPhone. Apple has been doing anything to stay ahead of the competition. Apple introduced the new version of the iPhone called the iPhone 3G at the annual Worldwide Developer’s Conference. They explained it’s just like the iPhone right now except it has a much faster processor that downloads apps three to five times faster and is now in a 32G.

However, Sprint Nextel executives launched their much anticipated Palm Pre and hit an all time sales for the company. Tim Donahue the vice president of business marketing for Sprint said the launch exceeded the company's expectations. The crowds who showed up to buy the Palm Pre were small compared to the crowds for the iPhone, when it was first launched the Palm Pre was still a huge success (Musil 1). Most reviewers agree that the Pre's software makes it a much stronger competitor to the iPhone than other touch-screen devices, such as the BlackBerry Storm. Philip Cusick thinks Palm and Sprint will likely sell about 1 million device a quarter. And he believes the company will sell about 6 million devices in fiscal 2011 (Cha 1).

Personally I don’t think people will forget about the iPhone because so many people are fascinated by it and love it. I don’t believe Apple’s reputation about staying ahead will be harmed. I just think that the Palm Pre and other competitors will make Apple stay on their toes and make them come up with better and more exciting things.

Nevertheless, I think that competition is good for our society because it allows us to get better results because it makes people work harder. I really believe that if our society didn’t have any competition we would not have gotten as far as we have in technology.


Musil, Steven. Week in review: Palm challenges Apple to phone fight. 12 June 2009. 14 June 2009

Cha, Bonnie. Palm Pre vs. iPhone 3G: Which do you want? 27 Mar. 2009. 14 June 2009

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