Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7: Article Five

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Have you noticed how many people now not only have a cell phone with texting capabilities but also have internet capabilities? Well I must say I have because I get on Facebook a lot, just like many of other Americans and I have noticed how many other people use Facebook mobile just like me, meaning that they have a phone with internet capabilities. However, people also have TV and video capabilities but not as many people have the capability right now (Whitney 1).

Well it seems that is about to change. Pyramid Research expects the number of users globally paying for mobile video and TV services is expected to jump to 534 million by 2014, a five-fold increase from 2008. It is said that the recent growth is due to the increased bandwidth, lower data costs, and more advanced handheld devices, and that trend will continue (Whitney 1). Mobile video includes paid video clips, music videos, TV episodes, TV programming, and online movies on your cell phone. Derek Medlin, senior analyst at Pyramid Research said that “The availability of improved devices and networks are contributing to a higher level of adoption and spending on mobile video services.” Statics show that watching a video on the Internet during the first quarter of 2009 grew by 53.2% compared to 2008. It seems that the target age that the majority of mobile videos are being watched by teens between ages of 13-17 (New Nielsen 1).

Like any other thing when it comes to mobile devices, I think that this is another way to allow you to do anything on your phone that you can do at home. However, I believe this will still cause problems with communication because now people want have to stay home with their family to watch the Super Bowl, Presidential Inauguration, or the ball drop on New Years.

New Nielsen Report Measures Online Video and Mobile Video Growth. 21 May 2009. 7 June 2009 .

Whitney, Lance. Mobile video market to grow five-fold by 2014. 4 June 2009. 7 June 2009 .

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